For Olson, Cross & Alamo Advisors, the most important asset is our relationship with, and the trust of, our clients. As a component of preserving this relationship, OCA is dedicated to ensuring the security and confidentiality of our client information. In order to perform the services we provide, it is necessary for OCA to collect personal and financial information from our clients. This information is used exclusively for our business purposes and will not be sold to outside parties and will only be shared when necessary to conduct our business on your behalf.
The information collected is shared only with those OCA employees that require it in order to perform their functions within our firm. OCA employees understand the sensitive nature of this information and protect the privacy and confidentiality of our clients. Our safeguards include physical, electronic and procedural security measures.
As a financial services firm it is necessary to share information with our Clearing Company and other financial entities in order to process orders and conduct the transactions that our clients authorize. Additionally, we may be required to share information with regulators such as the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and other duly authorized entities that may request said information such as a Court with sufficient jurisdiction. OCA may also share client information, when necessary, with the Securities Investors Protection Corporation and other private insurance entities.
We ask that our clients keep OCA updated as to any changes in personal information in order to ensure that we remain in compliance with all related laws and regulations. OCA will also retain account information subsequent to the cessation of rendering services, in order to comply with the pertinent record retention requirements and statutes of limitations relevant to our business relationship.
If you would like further information, or have any questions, on our privacy policies, please contact us at: 212-608-1805